# Generat per a:
# DD-guifi
# unsolclic version: v3.7
# obre una sessió telnet/ssh en el teu trasto i executa aquest script.
# Nota: Fes servir l'Status/Wireless survey per verificar que
# tens l'antena ben endollada i configurada. La dreta es probablement
# la que tens a la dreta si el mires des del davant (on hi han els
# leds). Si et cal, canvia el connector des de la configuració via
# anant a Wireless->Advanced Settings.
# Security notes:
# Once this script is executes, the router password for root/admin users is "guifi"
# You must change this password if you want to keep it secret. If you like to still
# be managed externally, you must install a trusted ssh key. Upon request, your setup
# might be asked for being inspected to check the Wireless Commons compliance.
# No firewall rules are allowed in the public network area.
# By being in client mode, the router has the firewall enabled to distinguish between
# private and public areas, and only SNMP, ssh and https 8080 ports are enabled
# for external administration. Everything else is closed, therefore you might
# have to open ports to share resources.
# c/montseny11Rd1
# Paràmetres globals de la xarxa
nvram set router_name="c/montseny11Rd1"
nvram set wan_hostname="c/montseny11Rd1"
nvram set wan_proto="static"
nvram set wan_ipaddr=""
nvram set wan_netmask=""
nvram set fullswitch="1"
nvram set wan_dns=""
nvram set lan_domain="guifi.net"
nvram set wan_domain="guifi.net"
nvram set http_passwd="guifi"
nvram set time_zone="+01 2 2"
nvram set sv_localdns=""
nvram set wl_net_mode="b-only"
nvram set wl0_net_mode="b-only"
nvram set wl_afterburner="on"
nvram set wl_frameburst="on"
nvram set txpwr="28"
nvram set txant="0"
nvram set wl0_antdiv="0"
nvram set wl_antdiv="0"
nvram set block_wan="0"
# Gestió
nvram set telnetd_enable="1"
nvram set sshd_enable="1"
nvram set sshd_passwd_auth="1"
nvram set remote_management="1"
nvram set remote_mgt_https="1"
nvram set snmpd_enable="1"
nvram set snmpd_sysname="guifi.net"
nvram set snmpd_syscontact="guifi_at_guifi.net"
nvram set boot_wait="on"
# This is just a fake key. You must install a trusted key if you like to have you router managed externally
nvram set sshd_authorized_keys="
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwWNX4942fQExw4Hph2M/sxOAWVE9PB1I4JnNyhoWuF9v\
GPISqsC0717hc0Aja1mvHkQqg9aXKznmszmyKZGhcm2+SU8= root@bandoler.guifi.net\
nvram set http_enable="1"
nvram set https_enable="1"
# NTP Network time protocol
nvram set ntp_enable="1"
nvram set ntp_server=""
# Mode Client
nvram set wl_mode="sta"
nvram set wl0_mode="sta"
nvram set wl_ssid="guifi.net-SMCElMontparAP"
nvram set wan_gateway=""
nvram set wl_macmode="disabled"
nvram set wl0_macmode="disabled"
nvram set wl_macmode1="disabled"
nvram set wl0_macmode1="disabled"
# Enrutament Gateway
nvram set wk_mode="gateway"
nvram set dr_setting="0"
nvram set route_default="1"
nvram set dr_lan_rx="0"
nvram set dr_lan_tx="0"
nvram set dr_wan_rx="0"
nvram set dr_wan_tx="0"
nvram set dr_wan_tx="0"
# Tallafocs activat
nvram set filter="on"
nvram set rc_firewall="
/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT; /usr/sbin/iptables -I \
INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT\
nvram set rc_startup="#!/bin/ash
# unsolclic: v3.7
# radio: 13957-c/montseny11Rd1
/bin/sleep 10
/usr/sbin/wl shortslot_override 0
ifconfig eth1 -promisc -allmulti
ifconfig br0 -promisc -allmulti
ifconfig eth0 promisc"
# Fi del script i re-iniciar
nvram commit