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Covering 130 hectares (320 acres), the Valldaura estate has three nuclei: (a) Can Valldaura Nou, the farmhouse around which the main agricultural settlement grew up in the late 19th century; (b) Can Valldaura Vell, the original site of the first Cistercian monastery in Catalonia, subsequently a palace of the kings of the Crown of Aragon, and (c) a third complex, adjacent to the BV-1415 road from Horta to Cerdanyola, which includes the Can Valldaura restaurant and its service area. The Valldaura estate is located in the municipality of Cerdanyola, on the flank of the Collserola Natural Park that looks towards the Vallès Occidental, with Turó de Valldaura, Pas del Rei and Forat del Vent on the Barcelona side, and Turó de Sant Medir on the Sant Cugat side. Passing through the north side of the estate is the Carretera de les Aigües, over 20 km long, which runs at the same height across the entire range of hills at the back of Barcelona, from Turó de Sant Pere Martir to Torre Baró, offering splendid views of the city and the surrounding area. Valldaura Labs embodies IaaC’s contribution to the management of natural systems and structures and the promotion of diversity, and works in close cooperation with the Collserola Natural Park Consortium, Cerdanyola Town Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area in establishing a conservation plan for the environment and the landscape.

node69479 ValldauraLabsValldauraLabs
zonaCerdanyola del VallèsCan Valldaura, the Green FabLAB house of creation and DIY
posició (lat/lon)Lat:41.450211
20 metres des del terra
disponible per fer xarxa i monitoritzarYesWorking
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creat per: lot at 06/06/2014 - 5:22pm · updated by: ticae at Mon, 14/09/2020 - 13:21



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